Relationship w/ Jesus
A relationship with Jesus begins with an understanding that you need a Savior. The Bible says, "that we have all messed up and fallen short of God's standard." (Rom. 3:23) We must also understand that because of our sin we deserve death. (Rom. 6:3) This death is a spiritual death, which means when we physically die we will spend eternity in hell separated from God. The great news is God loves us despite our sin and wants a relationship with us. That's why Jesus came and died on the cross! (John 3:16) So to begin a relationship w/ Jesus, we must confess with our mouth and believe in our heart, and we will be saved! (Rom. 10:9-10) So if you want to begin a relationship with Jesus, pray this simple prayer, "Jesus forgive me of my sin and come be the Lord and Savior of my life. Amen." If you prayed that prayer and believe in your heart, you are saved! This is the beginning of a brand new life! We would encourage you to get baptized, find a home church, and get a bible to start reading (the book of John is a good place to start). For more info or questions email us here.
We believe that water baptism is the first step of obedience after you begin your relationship with Jesus. Baptism does not save you; it is an outward declaration of what has taken place spiritually. Symbolically, our old life is buried under the water, and then we are raised up from the water representing our new life in Jesus. (Rom 6:4) If you have given your life to Jesus and you want to be baptized, or if you have more questions, please email us here.